Contracting & Service

Mill South has been using subcontractors from around the country since its inception. We have several decades of combined experience working with industrial contractors. We know it can be tough to find reliable contractors who specialize in what you need. Our goal is to provide the most specialized and experienced crew for your specific application. We aim to provide you with the highest quality design, technical expertise, and labor that the industry has to offer and at a competitive price when you need it most. We have partnerships with a variety of subcontractors to get you what you need when you need it; without sacrificing quality. We understand the importance of safety, transparency, and follow-through when it comes to project planning. Whether it is a minor repair or a capital project; we have everything you need. We believe we are the best in the business and aim to surround ourselves with the best.

Preventative Maintenance & Inspections

Our field solutions specialists take the guess work out of machinery issues. Our preventative maintenance visits allow our customers to become more familiar with the inner workings of their systems. We provide thorough detailed inspection reports that can provide you with a timeline for your next repair projects, provide detailed part information, and find issues before they cause a failure.

Maintenance crews spread too thin for preventative maintenance. Call us! We provide an inspection report with each PM we provide.

Contracting Services & Project Management

We offer Turnkey construction services so that you don’t have to worry about managing your projects, ordering parts, and finishing on time. We design and manage, our partners fabricate and install, and you get the highest quality products in the industry at a competitive price.

No more liability on your end. We measure the parts, plan the project, and complete the project.

Safety | Transparency | Efficiency

Solutions Specialists